What is SEO?


SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of making your website a better-ranking site in the search engines than other websites with the same niche or market as yours.

SEO is the act of increasing your rankings in Google, Bing, and other search engines so that customers and Internet users can find your website.

Basically search engines use a complex mathematical formula called an algorithm to give a score to every website and every search people to do in Google to figure out which website should rank best for what people are looking for.

SEO is really just a process of proving to search engines that you are the best site, the most authoritative, the most trusted, the most unique and interesting site that they can offer to their customer – the searcher.

Why SEO is important?

Although SEO is just part of the online marketing mix, it’s instrumental in boosting traffic to your online business.

SEO is very important for any business that has an online presence. Even if you don’t sell products on your site, you can still gain vital customers through the internet. Customers are now looking to the internet first for reviews, information and comparison shopping.

If you can gain more customers from search engines, then it’s a great investment!


About the Author

Erving Salgado
I've been making a full time income online for the past few years and I'm here to share with you what I've learned. I'm always learning and I love to help! Feel free to drop me a line and say hi or follow me on Twitter or Google +

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